* Join an intimate group of women ready to make room for joy in their lives.
* Build a supportive and understanding community of true friends.
* Leave with renewed energy and a plan of action for lasting change.
Feeling guilty for not being able to juggle everything on your plate with ease, and don't know how to say no.
Exhausted at the end of the night from using all the mental and physical capacity you had.
Frustrated at the lack of support and feeling like you're doing it all on your own.
We have all been there, but this doesn’t have to be the norm.
There's a light at the end of the tunnel!
You can make the shift from putting everyone else first, feeling on edge all the time and at a loss on how to change your situation, to making yourself a priority and living life where you can give gracefully to others, without sacrificing all your dreams and aspirations.
If you're...
Tired of taking a backseat
Sick of being the passenger in your own life
And can't seem to balance the time to meet everyone else's needs and your own,
Thurs., Sept. 19 (Bonus Day)
Join Us For A Night Of Relaxation And Get A Jump Start On Connecting With The Group. Pool Day & Movie Night In! Check In: 3pm
Friday, Sept. 20
Bonus Day Cont'd (only available with the bonus day add on): Zion’s Canyon Morning Hike.
Day One Check-in: 1-2pm
Friendship Speed Dating Activity.
Session One: Get Clarity In Who You Are and How You Want to Show Up.
Session Two: Gain the Energy to Actually Do What You Want.
Saturday, Sept. 21
Session Three: Step Into Your Courage & Confidence to Say What You Want and Take The Steps To Achieve It.
Session Four: Create Purpose & Abundance As You Go Back To Everyday Life.
Cranial Sacral Sessions: Learn To Release Blocked Emotions.
2000’s Hip Hop Dance Party-Bring Your Grillz and Chains!
Sunday, Sept. 22
Morning Meditation and Gratitude Ceremony.
Check-out: 10am
Want To Keep The Party Going?? Join Us For Lunch Before Heading Home.
**At your own cost**
Join us for the "Make Room for Joy" retreat at the stunning Arcadia Resort in St. George, Utah. Nestled amidst the breathtaking red rock landscapes of southern Utah, this luxurious venue offers an idyllic setting for relaxation and rejuvenation. The serene surroundings and modern amenities of Arcadia create a perfect sanctuary, allowing you to fully immerse in the retreat experience. Embrace the natural beauty and tranquility of St. George as we make room for joy and transformation in this inspiring location.
You can't fit another thing in.
You can't say no to your family.
You are feeling bad, guilty, and ashamed for wanting more and wanting something for yourself.
And you're over feeling this way!
Can you honestly stand another month/year/decade of feeling this way?
Can you truly say you know who you are and are happy with where your life is?
Can your relationships continue to flourish if you stay on the path you're on now?
Can you really wait until the kids are out of the house before you pursue what makes you happy?
Become the person you want to be by taking time away to come back to yourself, design a life that allows you to give AND receive, and strengthen all of your relationships.
Experience Actual Progress.
Leave the retreat having made real progress in building your ideal life. You'll know what you want and how to achieve it — without burning down everything you've already built (ok maybe you gotta, just a little).
Reconnect with your spirit to become more balanced and fulfilled, have trust in yourself, and learn how to declutter and quiet the chatter in your mind.
The main goal is for you to have fun, relax and just have some time for YOU. We'll eat, hang out, learn some things, and maybe have a dance party. Ok, for sure there's going to be a dance party.
I want you to go home feeling refreshed so I built in down time too, because as much as I love people (and I love to talk), I know that I need time to myself to be able to keep showing up with enthusiasm.
It's going to be an amazing weekend and I can't wait to meet you!
3-Day Retreat In St. George, Utah, USA
Join an intimate group of women ready to make room for joy in their lives.
Build a supportive and understanding community of true friends.
Leave with renewed energy and a plan of action for lasting change.
Retreat Begins: Sept 20th
Retreat Ends: Sept 22nd
Only $597- you are worth it (and more)!
Join us for a night of relaxation and get a jump start on connecting with the group. Pool Day & Movie Night In, plus a Hike at Zion's National Park Friday morning.
Only $97- girl that is a steal!
Saying to yourself, "Change is hard, and I can’t take on any more hard things"?
It’s always easier when you have someone else to do it with you — AND, it may not actually be as hard as you think. The Make Room For Joy Retreat brings together a community of supportive women who also feel this way and are looking for ways to make life easier for themselves.
Thinking that you're going to go to this retreat, and nothing will change once you get home?
Our time together is specifically designed so you leave with positive change, whether it’s a mindset, a feeling, breaking a thought pattern, or learning new tools for stress management. Walking away with any of these will prevent you from feeling like it was a waste of time. If you can’t be vulnerable and open up, this is not for you—participate, and you’ll leave better than when you came.
Worrying that as you work towards a better life for yourself you’ll lose the people you love because their goals aren’t your goals? Are you anxious that you don’t have support to go after what you want?
The whole purpose of this retreat (and life) is to live YOUR life. If you’re worried about this, it’s because you’ve been living life for others. At some point you have to say “it’s ok for me to focus on myself”. The people who are meant to be in your life will still be there, and they will support you.
Afraid that you're not ready to make the changes you know you need to make?
You're ready when you believe you're ready. So are you really not ready, or are you self-sabotaging again? By exploring this retreat, it tells me you're ready. And truthfully, you're not always going to feel ready, even when you know it's the right step. Today's the day to it anyway.
Scared of Accountability or being Vulnerable?
You can change your life if you really want to. Many of us feel embarrassed when we mess up or don't stick to our commitments. Don't worry, at the Make Room For Joy retreat, we work with you, moving forward with love, kindness, and gentle support. We got you.
Not sure if you can afford the cost?
You are worth every penny spent on this retreat and it will impact ALL areas of your life. The question is can you afford not to go? We can offer flexible payment options if needed. This is something you need to do without feeling guilty, that's the whole point actually, so please don't over extend yourself. We offer other programs and options that might be a better fit if the retreat is cost prohibitive.